The Fortezza of Rethymnon


The city of Rehymnon was an important part of the Venetian era. The Venetians was one of the most powerful countries during the late medieval period. Venice had a large fleet and made its fortune of the trade in the Medditerranean.
The fortress in Rethymnon clearly shows the importance of the town both as an important harbour and an administrative seat. 

This is the view of the Fortezza from the west end of town.


Each corner is guarded by these small turret looking towers.



When you have walked to the corner you expect to see the other side of the fortress, but the Fortezza goes on with another corner. This is the northwesterly facing part.


Then there is another corner to reach...


When you have past that corner you'll find another...


Finally after walking for more than an hour I had reached the rampart to the entrance which is close to the harbour.



The fortress is impressive in many ways, this is the complex behind the entrance with small reduts and gun placements.


This is a view of the fortress facing the inland, where the walls are the lowest.


Another part of the Fortezza. It is very difficult to show the large size of the fortress.



This is a view of the inside of the Fortezza against the northwest. The fortress was from the beginning large enough to house the entire population as planned, however the city grew beyond the capacity of the Fortezza.


The northwest corner tower against a blue Mediterranean Sea.


The view of Rethymnon from the Fortezza is spectacular. In the distance you can see Mount Psiloritas, the rumored birthplace of Zeus.


Go to the city of Rethymnon again or maybe visit the oldest civilization of Europe: Knossos. The Minoan civilization florishing from 2600 B.C to 1100 B.C.
Take a look at the
mountains of Crete.
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İHenrik Robeck 2006-2007